Second Topic - Processing

Practice and "Exam" HW posted here - the latest on the top

11/28/19: Comments on your submissions for Take Home HW II

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11/11/19:Notes that outline the sintering model - use for the take home exam

Notes to help modeling the sintering process

11/06/19:The paper below describes the geommetry of pores present in grain boundaries of a polycrystal

A paper that describes the geometry of pores in a polycrystal

11/06/19:Take Home Exam II is given below. It is due in Class on Monday Nov 18th

Take Home Exam II

10/28/19 Self Diffusion and Surface Tension

HW on problems and concepts related to self diffusion and surface tension or surface energy

10/21/19-Practice HW on the growth of silica on silicon during oxidation

Practice HW on Chemical Potentials and the rate of overgrowth of silica during oxidation

Journal Paper paper on "Chemical Potential and Oxidation"

10/15/19 . This homework will give you practice in the theory and the use of the Ellingham Diagrams
The Theory and the Use of JANAF Tables and Ellingham Diagrams

10/10/19. Practice HW related to the Ellingham Diagrams, along with handwritten notes

Practice HW related to Using and understanding Elligham Diagrams

This sub-section is related to notes and Practice HW on Ellingham Diagrams

The Ellingham Diagrams shown below are critical for calculating the interactions between solid ceramics and the environment, principally the oxygen activity - i.e. the oxygen partial pressure.

Ellingham Diagrams