Crystal Slip in a Single Crystal - Zinc as an example
PDF file for Zinc Crystal to Introduce Slip Planes and Slip Distance

Topic II - Plastic Deformation
Crystal Slip in a Single Crystal - Zinc as an example
PDF file for Zinc Crystal to Introduce Slip Planes and Slip DistanceTighly Packed Planes have the most favorable yield stress
PDF file for the "Ideal Yield Stress"Crystallography of Slip Systems
Multiplicity of Slip SystemsYield Behavior of Real Crystals and Dislocations
Geometry of DislocationsForce on a Dislocation
Meandering DislocationsCurvature of a Dislocation Segment
Force on a Bowed out Dislocation Segment with a Circular CurvatureDerivation of the Orowan Stress
Pinning of Dislcations with Hard ParticlesForce on a Bowed out Dislocation Segment with a Circular Curvature