SubTopic- Stiffness of chain with repeat units
PDF file for first lecture on DNA chain

Topic I - Elastic Deformation
SubTopic- Stiffness of chain with repeat units
PDF file for first lecture on DNA chainSubTopic- Stress Strain and the Young's Modulus
PDF file for Stress Strain and the Young's ModulusSubTopic- Orbitals, Periodic Table, Electronegativity
PDF file for the class on January 28SubTopic- Elastic Modulus, Ideal Fracture, and Enthalpy of Formation
PDF file for the classes on Feb 01 and 03SubTopic- Elastic Constants: Volumetric and Shear Deformation
PDF file for Elastic ConstantsSubTopic- Principal Stresses and Principal Strains
PDF file for the class on Feb 15: Principal Stresses and StrainsSubTopic- Uniaxial Composites and Hashin Bounds
PDF file for Unniaxial Composites and Hashin Bounds