Current and Past
Ph.D. Students
(Thesis Supervision)
- Sunggi Baik (President, PosTech, Korea)
- Rick. (Lih Shyng) Tsai (Taiwan)
- John G. Wang (Taiwan)
- Leong C. Lim (NUS, Singapore)
- Raj K. Bordia (Chair, U. Washington, WA)
- Prakash C. Panda (Elmira, NY)
- Jenqdaw Wang (Taiwan)
- Hasung Lee (Korea)
- K. R. Venkatachari (Columbia, MD)
- Sujata Jagota (Wilmington, DE)
- Tsungnan Cheng (3M)
- Craig P. Cameron (CA)
- Christine M. Kennefick (Howard University)
- Don S. Farquhar (IBM)
- Yujuin Tzou (Applied Materials)
- Polly Chu (Corning, Inc.)
- Bill Mattingly (Corning, Inc.)
- Anil Pannikkat (Applied Materials)
- Wei -Yung Hsu (Texas Instruments)
- Bahar Hoghooghi (NYC)
- Jim R. Conner (Dryden, NY)
- Huyang (Jeffrey) Xie (Minnesota)
- S. Stemmer (UC-Santa Barbara) 1
- V. Gopalan (Penn State)
- L. R. Thompson (Ithaca, NY)
- Tom Strasser (CTO, Nistica Inc., NJ)
- G. Dehm (Director, Erich Schmid Institute, Leoben, Austria)1
- R. Bellman (Corning Inc.)
- T. W. Gustafson (General Motors)
- Irene J. Beyerlein (Los Alamos) 2
- G. Soyez (Germany)1
- Luke Emmert (UNewMexico)
- Susan P. Krumdieck (U. Canterbury, NZ)
- Sandeep. R. Shah (Air Force Academy, CO)
- Li-Anne Liew (NIST, Boulder, CO)
- Tsali Cross (Seattle, WA)
- H.-Y. Ryu (Korea)
- Dongjoon. Ahn (General Motors, Detroit)
- Myongjai Lee (Korea)
- Lung-Hao Hu (Taiwan)
- Lucas Pederiva (Trento, Italy) 3
- Stefano Modena (Trento, Italy) 3
- L Ferraioli (Trento, Italy)3
- Sudarshan (IISc, Bangalore, India) 5
- Enzo Castellan (current, 2011, Trento, Italy) 3
- Aidan Taylor (current, 2011, Leoben) 4
- John S.C. Francis (current, 2011)
- Kalvis Terauds (current, 2011)
- Shikhar Jha (current, 2011)
- John Downs (current, 2011)
- Ilya Isenkar (current, 2011)
Jointly Supervised Ph.D. Students
1 Max Planck Institute. Stuttgart, Germany
2 Cornell University. Ithaca, New York
3 University of Trento, Trento, Italy
4 Eric Schmid Institute of Materials Science, Leoben, Austria
5 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India